Cleansing. - Gut wrenching sound captured while doing a cleansing in a private residence.
Oh shut up! - Captured while doing a cleansing in a private residence.
3 knocks. - Captured while performing a cleansing in a private residence.
F**k Stinking Bastard. - Captured in a private residence. This demon was trying to hide and wasn't happy when I found it.
I want you dead! - Captured at Phillip's house after performing a cleansing in a private residence.
3 bangs. - Captured at Phillip's house after performing a cleansing in a private residence.
I will get you! - Captured at Phillip's house after performing a cleansing in a private residence.
I'll Get You Back. - Captured at Phillip's house after performing a cleansing in a private residence.
Can't Be Heaven Here. - Captured at Phillip's house.
Eat Sh*t! - Captured during an investigation of the Roh's Opera House.
Get Out Mother F, Fear Us! - Captured during an investigation of the Roh's Opera House.
Dangers! - Captured during an investigation of the Roh's Opera House.
Get The Hell Out! - Captured at a private residence.
You Are Warned! - Captured at a private residence.
We Are Here. - Captured at a private residence.
We Are So Lonely. - Captured at a private residence.
We Don't Talk. - Captured at a haunted cemetery.
I Feel Human. - Captured at a haunted cemetery.
Man Ruins The World. - Captured at a haunted business.
Get F**ked! - Captured in a haunted prison.
I kill you! - Captured in a haunted prison.
Evil man! - Captured in a haunted hospital. |